
How do parties differ from interest groups why has there

Question 1:

I expect this question will take at least 3 pages to thoroughly answer.

In our political system power ultimately rests with the people. They have two primary ways of letting the government know what they want- through political participation and public opinion polls. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each form. While there are many ways to let the government know what you want, which ways are more effective at getting responses?

Make sure to include the various forms of political participation, and each of their pro's and cons.

Make sure to discuss how opinion is measured, problems that can arise with polling, and how an individual's opinions are formed/changed.

Question 2:

Answers should be 1-2 pgs.

Political parties are perhaps the most important organizations affecting governance. How do parties differ from interest groups? Why has there never been a 3+ party system in the United States? How does our political system keep viable third parties from rising? What role can third parties play in our current system?

Also consider whether a change to allow more viable parties would have a net positive or net negative consequence for voters, AND for running the government.

Question 3:

Answers should be 1-2 pgs.

The media are expected to be the ‘watchdogs of democracy' that keeps government honest. Without the media telling the public what government is doing, we have a ‘black hole' of information where government can do what it wants unregulated.

Discuss the various forms of media that are popular today, and each form's strengths and weaknesses. Do you think the media today use their power to influence public perception (and ultimately public opinion) in an unbiased way?

Make sure you discuss the three major ways Media influence opinion.

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Dissertation: How do parties differ from interest groups why has there
Reference No:- TGS02430339

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