
How do our collective processes in class compare to the

Question: Ethical decision-making

1. Think of two people around whom you feel really comfortable and at ease (My mom-Carol and husband-Al)...write down their first names. Then think of two people whom you cannot stand and who make you feel challenged and/or angry(Valencia/close associate/compulsive liar and Jeffrey/old supervisor/he was a micro manager)...write down their first names as well.

2. Now, please reflect on these four people around whom you feel at ease...how are they "like" or "unlike" (my husband and mom have the same zodiac sign, which is a Scorpio and have a tendency to think a like) you...how to do or don't they look like you, hold viewpoints similar or dissimilar to yours, etc.? Write down your thoughts.

3. Are these people in your social circle...?( Jeffrey is not in my social circle, due to no longer working together and having personality conflict. He also displayed feminine characteristics)Why or why not? What if these people were clients of yours? In which way do you think you would act/react to clients who challenge your viewpoint and/or authority? What would be a professional (Ethical) course of action?

How do our collective processes in class compare to the process you used in your past ethical dilemma? What have you learned about ethical decision making that would have been helpful in navigating your dilemma? What have you learned about your own approach to ethical reasoning? What are your strengths and what challenges do you expect to have in ethical decision making as you embark on your professional life?

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Dissertation: How do our collective processes in class compare to the
Reference No:- TGS02745389

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