A. Does junk food cause mental health problems in teens?
B. Are pregnant women from low socioeconomic areas less likely to use prenatal vitamins?
C. Is there an association between residential segregation and gun violence in the United States?
D. Does social support predict condom use among LGBTQ+ youth?
E. Is there an association between individual, interpersonal, community, and social factors and Zika virus infection among favela residents in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?
F. What are lived experiences of veterans who have sought treatment for PTSD?
G. What are the COVID-19 vaccination concerns of Black parents of children aged 5-11 years?
H. Why do poor women from India reject sanitation recommendations to prevent cholera?
I. What are the challenges faced by healthcare workers and their coping strategies during the Ebola outbreak?
J. How do older men decide on treatment for prostate cancer?