"How do my selfies produce or obscure a sense of my identity?"
You may choose 3 pre-existing individual or group selfies from your social media sites, or take 3 new pictures for the purposes of this assessment. In either case, you should be central to, or a large part of the photo.
Examine your selfies and describe your self-presentation in relation to at least two of the following categories:
Race/ethnicity, class/socio-economic status, gender, sexuality.
Each category should be described both individually, and in relation to the other categories you choose to describe. You should consider the following aspects of your pictures (where relevant): clothing, pose, facial expression; lighting, framing, filters, proximity and angle of camera; other people/animals/non-human objects in the picture. You should also consider the ways your selfies relate to other well-known images (i.e. artworks, advertising images or celebrity selfies), and how the three pictures relate to each other.
Your essay should present an argument in relation to the readings, and other course materials, and should be referenced throughout according to SAM guidelines. You may embed your selfies in a pdf, or post them on a separate site (i.e. Instagram/Flickr). If you make your post private, be sure your tutor has access to both URL and password to access the images.
This assessment is supported by tutorial activities. You will receive verbal (formative) feedback in class, and written feedback and a mark (summative feedback) on your essay.
How do your selfies perform race/ethnicity, social/economic status, sexuality/gender as a group?