
How do montagu and astell differ in their understanding of

1. How does "The Deserted Village" differ in its subject matter from poems such as "Mac Flecknoe" and "The Rape of the Lock"?

2. In "Mac Flecknoe," Dryden's primary purpose in writing a mock-heroic poem about Shadwell is to ridicule him by showing the absurdity of thinking of him as a hero. How is this different from Pope's purpose in writing a mock-heroic poem, "The Rape of the Lock," about the events that are described in that poem?

3. How do Montagu and Astell differ in their understanding of women?

4. Why does Dryden think that Shakespeare's writing can be seen as an "imitation of nature"?

5. Why does Ariel stop trying to protect Belinda in the "Rape of the Lock"?

6. How does Pope characterize Belinda's preparation to go out to the party?

7. What does the Baron do to Belinda? Why?

8. What is Clarissa's advice to Belinda?

9. How does Gulliver react to the first creatures he sees in the land of the Houyhnhnms? Why?

10. What is the purpose of language according to the Houyhnhnms?

11. How do the Houyhnhnms change how Gulliver sees human beings when he returns home?

12. Why does Christian leave his home?

13. How do Christian's family and neighbors react when Christian leaves home?

14. What is "Vanity Fair" and why is it seen negatively by Christian?

15. What does Astell think motivates men in their relationships to women?

16. Why does Astell think that a woman shouldn't look to marriage to find satisfaction?

17. Why does Pope, in "An Essay on Man," think that humans should not question their own limitations or imperfections?

18. Why is Strephon shocked by what he discovers in "The Lady's Dressing Room"?

19. What does the speaker of "The Lady's Dressing Room" think about Strephon's reactions to what he discovers?

20. Why does Montagu think that Swift wrote "The Lady's Dressing Room"?

21. Why do Leapor and Astell think that women are harmed by "wit"?

22. How do the two versions of "Holy Thursday" differ?

23. What does Blake mean when he says that the rose is "sick"?

24. What is Blake's view of priests in "The Garden of Love"?

25. What does Swift argue for in "A Modest Proposal," and why does he make this argument?

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