
How do major events of the life course differ from one

Life Course and Ageism-A Visual Exploration

Referring to some of the social problems you noticed as operating in the Countries, answer one of the following questions.

How do major events of the life course differ from one culture to another as seen in the and the text from two or more of the Countries you explored. These are the two countries i explored.

1. Sometime wonder what would have happened if my mom hadn't died i was always with her and i always followed what she said .So i think that if she was still around i probably wouldn't have gotten expelled from school. Dad spent all his time at work,so we were like two total strangers after she died. He'd try to reprimand me without knowing who i was or how i felt.He'd tell me to put down the guitar and quit wasting my time.And he'd never show any sadness about mom. He throught he was being strong but he wasn't helping us or him.By not crying all he did was make us feel more alone.

country Mexico City, Mexico

2. My happiest moment were when my mom was still alive "What's your foundest memory of your mother?"One time when i was six years old we went to pick up my father at the airport. On the way my mother explained to me the concept of boarding a plane and taking a trip.And then while we waited for my father we sat in a near by restaurant and we planned out all the imaginary trips that i wantef to go on.

country Nairobi, Kenya

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Operation Management: How do major events of the life course differ from one
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