
How do law enforcement agencies recruit and hire the most

Question A

Discuss how does the Bureaucratic Model applies when comparing and contrasting the training method ideologies associated with how the Federal Bureau of Investigations trains agents versus the quasi-militarism (also called para-militarism) characteristic methodology typically used in the typical police academy.

Note: The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate writing in accordance with current APA standards. The essay response is to include in-text citation(s) in proper APA format. In-text citations are to correspond to a source in proper APA format listed after the essay response.

Question B

How do law enforcement agencies recruit and hire the most qualified candidates? Be sure to address the applicable federal laws that impact the hiring process, effective recruiting methods for building a diverse law enforcement agency, and the hiring process itself.

Note: The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate writing in accordance with current APA standards. The essay response is to include in-text citation(s) in proper APA format. In-text citations are to correspond to a source in proper APA format listed after the essay response.

These are two separate questions each answer should be 250 words.

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HR Management: How do law enforcement agencies recruit and hire the most
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