
How do i find purpose and meaning in my life


Answer the following questions for yourself. These questions are for your personal reflection, and your answers do not need to be shared directly with your instructor.

a) What do I believe in?
b) How do I find purpose and meaning in my life?
c) How do I take care of my physical, emotional, and spiritual needs?
d) What are my hopes and dreams?
e) Whom do I love, and who loves me?
f) How am I with others?
g) What would I change about my relationships?
h) Am I willing to heal relationships that trouble me?

From Touhy, T. & Zerwekh, J. (2006). In Nursing care at the end of life: Palliative care for patients and families. Philadelphia: FA Davis.

Write 400 words personal journal entry about what you learned through your self-assessment. How does thinking about what gives your own life meaning assist you in offering spiritual support to your patients? What can you do to ensure your own spiritual needs are being met?

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Reference No:- TGS03226778

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