How do I determine the distance between three genes in a crossbetween neospora? I am given the genotypes and numbers of the asci(progeny).
I have determined the MII and MI tetrads for each gene (a, b, c). Ihave determined the parental types, non-parental types, andtetratypes. I found the distance from each gene to the centromereby using
(1/2MII)/total and multiplying by 100 to get the map units. Thatpart I understand. But how do I determine the distance, forexample, from a to b? I know that for a cross with two genes I canuse the formula:
((1/2TT)+NPD)/total and multiply by 100 to get map units. But if Iwere to use this formula for three genes, wouldn't I be pluggingthe same TT and NPD numbers into the formula each time? So is therea different equation? Or do these numbers change?