
How do human traffickers procure their victims


Write a 3 to 4 page essay (1200 to 1500 words in MLA format) that argues a position on a controversial, arguable issue. You must use a minimum of 10 sources for your research.

Your paper must include in-paper citationsof at least five (5) credible sources. Write a 3 to 4 page essay (1200 to 1500 words in MLA format) that argues a position on a controversial, arguable issue. You must use a minimum of 10 sources for your research.

Your paper must include in-paper citations of at least five (5) credible sources.

Topic Human trafficking

Research question: How do human traffickers procure their victims

Thesis: Human traffickers procure their victims by abusing their emotional vulnerability through lies and coercion. In order to prevent this from continuing , local government should put a spotlight on human trafficking and identify the high risk geographical locations where trafficking is most prevalent and pass local, national and International laws, in order to rehabilitate victims of human trafficking

This assignment incorporates all the skills you have previously learned in ENC 1101 and ENC 1102. You will need to read outside sources and assess each for its effectiveness and you did in your strong response paper. You will need to look at how your research "speaks" to each other by exploring similarities and difference as you did in your synthesis paper. You will need to gather information on a topic and explain that topic from a range of perspectives as you did in your expository paper. However, this paper now asks you to go a step further. Here you must now "take a position" on your chosen topic and then write to persuade your reader to respond. An argument, as defined in the text, takes a stand on an issue, offers reasons and evidence in support of your point, and summarizes and addresses opposing views.

The goal of academic argument is not to debate pro and con, it's not to rehash old arguments, and it's not to ridicule those who disagree with you. Instead, academic argument combines truth seeking and persuasion. Academic argument considers all the available information and views, realizing that the truth may lie somewhere between two established positions, or, within a third undiscovered position.

Your argument should have one of the following purposes:

1. Change the current opinion of an audience that holds a different view.

2. Persuade an uninformed audience to adopt your view (requires more background info.)

3. Persuade an agreeing and informed audience to act (why is it urgent enough to act?

FORMAT: All formal drafts should be typed, double-spaced documents, and all should be submitted to Turnitin.com. Your peer review draft and third/final draft should be prepared according to MLA formatting standards (unless you opt to use APA); they should look like the sample student essay at the end of the MLA section of The Everyday Writer. Make sure to cite all sources in a works cited page. Also, include the page number and your name on every page.

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Business Law and Ethics: How do human traffickers procure their victims
Reference No:- TGS02984532

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