How do holiness-justice and love interact

Christian Principles in Business

Answer the below questions:

1) Holiness - Justice - Love

• Leviticus 19:1-4; 9-18; 33-37: How do holiness, justice and love interact?

• Matthew 22:35-40: Are the concepts of holiness and justice present in the "love command"? If so, how?

• Questions fully answered and one Business Application per topic

2) Zealous for God

• Exodus 20:1-4: What are some modern-day idols? What does it mean that God is "jealous"?

• Questions fully answered and one Business Application per topic

3) Purity

• Ephesians 5:1-12: Why are these behaviors inappropriate? What virtues are landed?

• Questions fully answered and one Business Application per topic

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