
How do ethics and values shape culture of an organization

Respond to the following in 250 Words minimum:

How does the culture of an organization come about, and how do ethics and values shape the culture of an organization? Is it possible to change the culture of an organization over time? If so, how?

Your post must also end with a "Question to the Class" - something related to the topic that you found thought-provoking and about which you'd like to know more and have further dialog.

No sources or citations required

General Instructions Applicable to All Forums:

Yu should ensure that your responses meet the following criterion:

Critical Analysis - Discussion postings display an excellent understanding of the required readings and underlying concepts including correct use of terminology. Postings are made in time for others to read and respond as well as deliver information that is full of thought, insight, and analysis. The information presented makes connection to previous or current content or to real-life situations, and must contain rich and fully developed new ideas, connections, or applications. (It is important that you integrate the weekly readings in your response. One way to do that is to make position statements, then discuss supporting evidence (i.e. research and/or personal experience).

Professional Communication and Etiquette - Written interactions in the Forum show respect and sensitivity to peers' background and beliefs (Regardless of the position you are taking, please ensure that your participation comments are respectful to your peers' background and beliefs).

Writing Skills - Written responses are free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. The style of writing facilitates communication. (Make sure your work is free of errors. If there are any errors as outlined above, you will not receive 100% for the forum).

There are three characteristics that form the foundation of an organization's corporate culture:

1. Corporate culture is shared (i.e., represents a common understanding and interpretation of what is important and not important within the framework of an organization);

2. Corporate culture is intangible (i.e., reflects the values, norms, and assumptions upon which an organization is unwilling to compromise);

3. Corporate culture affects the way that human capital assets behave.

Readings :

Eide, P. K., & Allen, C. D. (2012). The more things change, acquisition reform remains the same. Defense A R Journal, 19(1), 99+.

Popa, B. M. (2013). Risks resulting from the discrepancy between organizational culture and leadership. Journal of Defense Resources Management, 4(1), 179+.

Yaseen, A., Liaquat, M., Hassan, I., & Masood, H. (2015). Impact of organizational culture and social influence on organizational citizenship behavior with mediating effect on interactional justice.Science International, 27(4).

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Business Law and Ethics: How do ethics and values shape culture of an organization
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