
How do energy and environmental policy tie together

Consider the following questions:

1. Describe the policymaking process. Is there anywhere the policies can get "bogged down"?

2. Why has healthcare become such an issue? What is being done to help the issue?

3. How do energy and environmental policy tie together?

4. What caused the economic recession of 2008? Are there safeguards in place now?

5. Discuss economic theory. Why is it used in policy making?

6. Why is there a need for "globalization"? How does it affect the U.S. economy in a positive or negative way?

7. What role does the president play in foreign policy and national security?

8. What role does the Congress play?

9. Why do you think it was set up like this in the constitution?

10. Since 9/11, the war on terror, and other current issues, do you think the U.S. military will be an asset?

11. What is the "world order" and where does the United States fit in?

12. Which region seems to be the most troublesome for foreign policy and why?

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Other Subject: How do energy and environmental policy tie together
Reference No:- TGS01953790

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