1. Factors Affecting Violence
How do culture, politics, geography, and economics play roles in violence within a community?
In a one page document save your assignment in Microsoft Word. Your assignment submission is limited to 250 words (+/- 10 words).
References in the body of the paper and at the end of the paper must follow APA guidelines.
Information clearly relates to the main topic and includes several supporting details and/or examples in a well-organized way. Grammar is correct.
When required, replies to peers are thoughtful and meaningful
2."Obesity" discussion
Explain why obesity is a major health problem in both developed and developing nations. Include your personal observations or suggestions to impact this problem.200 + Words with in text siting and Reference page.
• The student clearly identifies the main point or conclusion of the argument.
• The main supporting arguments are identified clearly, accurately, and completely.
• The student's evaluation of the supporting arguments is specific, clear, thorough, and cogent.
• The student's overall evaluation of the argument is stated clearly and is strongly supported by the arguments provided.
Information clearly relates to the main topic and includes several supporting details and/or examples in a well-organized way. Grammar is correct. When required, replies to peers are thoughtful and meaningful.