
How do consumers buy the products what is the ethosculture

ARKETING STRATEGY Management Report: Guidance Notes

The E-Marketing Strategy Management Report guidance notes are very detailed and should be of general use. It is designed to show you which areas to concentrate on and you may demonstrate creativity in modifying your approach in its application.

The E-Marketing Strategy Management Report

I. Cover page (as provided)

2. Report title page (addressee and report title)

3. Table of contents (with proper sections & page numbers indicated)

4. Executive summary (at most one page)

5. Introduction (brief & concise)

Situation analysis

Purpose & online marketing objectives of the report

6. Application of E-Marketing Strategy concepts (specific to the company) Use of the internet to enhance marketing strategy

Customer behaviour

B2C and B2B online concepts (where relevant) Website development & function

Making use of SEOs

Online advertising & promotions Perm ission marketing

Maki ng use of social med ia Integrated marketing strategy

7. Summary (equ ivalent to conclusion)

8. Bibliography

Guidance Notes

I. Cover page

This is provided in the assignment brief.

2. Report title page

This contains the title of the report and the addressee.

3. Table of contents

This is the page indicating the relevant sections and page numbers.

4. Executive Summary

The executive summary describes the report's major findings and recommendations. It is designed to provide a busy reader with the major issues contained in the report and therefore should not last more than one page. The executive summary shou ld highlight your key audit findings and your key recommendations.

5. Introduction (brief & concise) Situation analysis (specific to the company)

The situation analysis provides the basis upon which a plan of action to improve marketing performance can be bu ilt. The following possible questions are asked:

• How does the company operate?

• Who are its customers?

• What might customers expect from the company?

• How do consumers buy the products?

• What is the ethos/culture of the company?

• How does it market its prod ucts?

• What is the market environment in which it trades?

The pur pose & online marketing objectives of the report must be clearly defined. The above should only be about 15% of the emphasis of your report.

6. Appl ication of E-Marketing Strategy concepts (specific to the company)

This comprises the relevant application of E-marketing ideas & concepts identified, explored & discussed in the coverage of the lesson units.

The above is the major pa rt of you r report and should carry about 80% of your emphasis. It should be presented as a consultant's professional recommendations to a business client.

7. Summary (equivalent to Conclusion)

Suggestions that need to be made based on the above discussion and a summary indicating any limitations & short/long-term actions to be taken.

The above should only be about 5% of the emphasis of your report.

8. Bibliography

A bi bliography is a list of the relevant sources you used to get information for your report. It is included at the end of your rep01t.

(A management report is required. A bibliography is to be given for sources of supporting data & information, NOT for academic purpose, NO academic references or appendices)

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Marketing Management: How do consumers buy the products what is the ethosculture
Reference No:- TGS01133813

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