
How do companies decide where to locate their facilities


"Every product you buy has been created and distributed using a series of processes that were designed to transform raw materials into goods or services. Operations management is the specialized area of management that focuses on improving these processes. The operations manager is responsible for inventory management, quality control, and scheduling production, among other duties. It is their job to make sure everything runs smoothly to ensure that there are no delays or quality issues. At the same time, it is their job to keep costs of production down and increase productivity. This applies to the service industry as well. In the service sector, companies are looking to increase efficiency while keeping costs low. The goal is for the customer to have a great experience. Today, the market demands more customized goods, and companies are responding."

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How do companies decide where to locate their facilities? Provide an example of a company that has located in North Carolina in recent years.

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Business Management: How do companies decide where to locate their facilities
Reference No:- TGS03241473

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