
How do community policing-problem-oriented policing differ

Discuss the below:

I - Community Policing

Define community policing. What are the three (3) core elements of community policing identified by Skogan? (Make sure you describe each component)

Describe criticisms of community policing.

II - Problem-Oriented Policing (POP)

Define problem-oriented policing.

What are problems?

Describe the problem-oriented policing framework. What is the purpose of each step in the problem-oriented policing framework? What are potential criticisms of the problem-oriented policing framework (be specific).

How do enforcement problem-oriented policing programs and situational problem-oriented policing programs differ?

How do community policing and problem-oriented policing differ? How are they similar?

III - Focused Deterrence Policing

What is the general focus of pulling levers strategies? How does the pulling levers approach attempt to address its general focus?

Describe the pulling levers framework.

What are potential weaknesses or criticisms of the pulling levers approach?

What are potential strengths of the pulling levers strategy?

IV Hot spots policing

Define hot spots and provide examples.

One strength of hot spots policing is that it is born from theory and empirical evidence. First, describe which theories paved the way for hot spots policing. Second, describe the empirical evidence that led to the practice of hot spots policing.

Generally speaking, what does research suggest about the effectiveness of hot spots policing? Make sure that you touch on displacement and diffusion of benefits, as well.

Discuss the potential limitations, issues, and adverse effects of hot spots policing.

V - Empirical Evidence/Evaluation Design

Identify and describe the three (3) common types of evaluation designs used in social science. What are the weaknesses associated with these evaluation designs?

VI - Police Legitimacy and Legal Cynicism

Describe how hot spots policing can potentially address issues concerning police legitimacy.

Discuss the potential legal and ethical concerns of hot spots policing.

Police behavior has been found to shape how legitimate the public perceives the police to be.

Discuss what shapes procedural justice judgments and fairness.

Braga and Weisburd suggest that hot spots policing can complement community policing initiatives. Please list the 3 elements of community policing that can benefit hot spots programs and describe how each of these elements are related to police-community relations and police legitimacy.

What does research suggest about low socioeconomic communities, crime, and the relationships between citizens and the police? (*Do not forget to touch on legal cynicism)

Discuss what research suggests shapes public perceptions of the police.


Braga, A.A. & D.L. Weisburd. (2010). Policing Problem Places: Crime Hot Spots and Effective Prevention. Oxford, NY: Oxford Publishers.

Weisburd, D.L. & Braga, A.A. (2006). Police Innovation: Contrasting Perspectives. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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