
How different thesauri cover different concepts

Your task:

Compare how different thesauri cover the following concepts:

– assisted human reproduction

– intellectual disabilities

– ethnic groups

Not to be too particular, but it is better to organize this paper by concept. For each concept, you will look at all 5 thesauri, find the preferred terms for that concept in each thesaurus, and, finally, briefly discuss the terms found in the thesauri.

NOTE: You may wish to investigate the concepts a bit first before looking at the thesauri.

How to:

Look at the following thesauri. In each one, search for one of the concepts listed above. (NOTE: you will look at all three concepts, but it may be easier to do each concept one at a time.)

1. APAIS Thesaurus: https://www.nla.gov.au/apais/thesaurus/

2. Eurovoc Thesaurus: https://europa.eu/eurovoc/

3. Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus: https://en.thesaurus.gc.ca/

4. Legislative Indexing Vocabulary: https://www.loc.gov/lexico/servlet/lexico?usr=pub-13:0&op=frames&db=LIV

5. UNESCO Thesaurus: https://databases.unesco.org/thesaurus/

Find the authorized (preferred) terms that best match the concept in each of the five thesauri. If there are scope notes, UF, BT, NT, or RT, include those in your tables (see below) as well.

Present your findings in a table; you will need a table for each concept, so you will have total of three (3) tables in your paper. You can use the template provided below, or create tables of your own. If terms don’t exist, simply enter “n/a”

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Other Subject: How different thesauri cover different concepts
Reference No:- TGS01433093

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