Assignment task:
APA - 1 page
Next, take a few moments to do the exercise found on pg. 94 of Levine & Kline (exercise is attached). Once you have completed the exercise, be prepared to write down your experiences immediately in as much detail as possible.
Question 1: How did your sensations, emotions, and thoughts change during the exercise? Describe specifically what you experienced.
Question 2: What parts of the triune brain were activated during each part of the exercise. Again, be specific.
Question 3: Describe an example (real or imagined) in which a child might go through the stress response. How would the child feel? In what ways might it be similar or different to what you just experienced during this imaginary exercise?
Question 4: Based on what you have learned in this module, explain how a child's brain development could be impacted by repeated and/or long-term stress and trauma.