
How did your family of origin express anger how have you

Question: 1. How did your family of origin express anger?

2. How have you habitually expressed anger? What would people see or hear?

3. How do others receive your expression of anger?

4. How do you receive the expression of other's anger?

5. Write about the first time you remember feeling angry. What were you telling yourself about the other person? (What they should or shouldn't be doing, having, saying). Then re-write your own script of how you would express yourself fully, using OFNR.

6. How did you experience punishment growing up? How did it affect you?

7. Under what circumstances have you resorted to punitive means? Explain.

8. What are some of your old programming messages that have become self judgments?

9. Are you currently operating your life with "have to's" and "shoulds"? What are they? Can you translate them into "choose to" or "want to"?

10. What actions have others in your past done, for which you feel appreciation? What actions do others in your life do currently for which you feel appreciation?

11. Who have you withheld appreciations from, and what would you like to share with them? Write this as if you are speaking to the person.

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Dissertation: How did your family of origin express anger how have you
Reference No:- TGS02856847

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