How did you realize you needed a product


Think of a major purchase you have recently made. Answer the following questions. Your answers should total 1-1 ½ pages long for full credit.

In regards to the consumer purchasing decision making process, talk about your purchase decision:

Tell me what you purchased, then,

1. How did you realize you needed this product?

2. Did you use routine purchase, limited decision making, or extensive decision making for this product? Why (refer to factors that influence amount of time and information spend on purchasing)? What information sources did you use?

3. How did either your family or your reference groups have an influence on what you wanted to buy?

4. How did your personality, your life cycle stage, or your motives influence what you wanted to buy (you can choose one of these to comment on)

5. Did you identify an evoked set for this purchase? If you had 1 or 2 other alternatives, how did you decide which one to purchase?

6. After you made the purchase, did you experience cognitive dissonance? If so, how did you minimize this feeling? If not, why do you think you did not?

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Marketing Research: How did you realize you needed a product
Reference No:- TGS01881583

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