
How did you learn about government growing up if 18 or


In your paper, address as many of the following points as possible:

• Where are you from (where you grew up) and did your home town, state, or country influence your political beliefs?

• How did you learn about government growing up?

• How did the area of the country or the world you're from help determine your political socialization ("political socialization" being a term from our first unit referring how the attitudes, beliefs, and understanding of one's government is transmitted to new generations)?

• What influenced (and how) your political socialization-your parents, your religion, your peers, your school, the media?

• If 18 or older and a citizen, are you registered to vote and have you voted before? Why or why not?

• If you are not a citizen, do you plan to be and will you vote? Regarding voting, why or why not? Who would you have voted for in the presidential race if you could have voted?

• Do you consider yourself a Republican or Democrat? Other? No party? Independent voter? Why do you identify with a party or do not do so?

• Were your parents active in a political party, which one? Are you active or identify with the same party? If different from your parents in this regard, why did you change?

• Did you follow the Texas Legislative session and the two issues that are the subject of this essay? If so, how? Following the news? Talking with friends and family? Other?

• What are your impressions of the Texas Legislature based on your studies this semester and what you have learned from following the news about their actions?

• ON SANCTUARY CITIES: What is your opinion of sanctuary cities? What is opinion of your family and your friends about sanctuary cities? What do you, your family, and your friends think about the Legislature's efforts to prohibit Texas cities to act as sanctuaries for undocumented aliens? The Trump Administration has threatened to deny all federal funding to cities in the United States which declare their cities to be sanctuary cities and not report to immigration officials any and all information regarding undocumented residents in their cities. What do you, your family, your friends think about Mr. Trump's policies regarding sanctuary cities and immigration in general?

• Do you have friends or family who are directly affected by this legislation? Are they concerned? Are you? How?

• What do you think the state and federal government should do regarding sanctuary cities and immigration policy in general?

• ON THE BATHROOM BILL: What is your opinion of the bathroom bill? What is opinion of your family and your friends about the issue of transgendered rights regarding the use of public restrooms in Texas? What do you, your family, and your friends think about the Legislature's efforts to prohibit the use of transgendered individuals from using the restroom that reflects their gender choice and the impact on the community and the economy by passing a "bathroom bill" in the face of boycotts from national sports events, entertainment events, and businesses which have considered such legislation discriminatory and against their policy?

• The Texas Legislature failed to pass the Bathroom Bill during the regular session nor during the several special sessions at the (cost of millions of dollars) called by Gov. Abbott in order to pass the bathroom bill. Republican leaders in the Texas state they will continue to work for future passage of a Bathroom Bill despite repeated failures to pass the legislation this year.

• The Trump Administration has indicated its support of such "bathroom bills." What do you, your family, your friends think about Mr. Trump's policies regarding rights for the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgendered) community in general?

• Do you have friends or family who are directly affected by this legislation? Are they concerned? Are you concerned? How?

• What do you think the state and federal government should do regarding LGBT rights policy in general and the Texas bathroom bill in particular?

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