
How did you feel violating the norms


The important thing about purposely violating an unwritten "cultural norm" is not to negatively affect others. Complete three of the four and tell about your experiences up for this assignment. Do not make up a new violation on your own; just stick to the ones below. Do them casually without saying anything or acting differently. Pay attention to the reaction of those around you. It's okay to do these via video/ phone or other technology if needed for social distancing purposes.

The FIRST norm to violate is how you will eat a banana. Peel it in such a way as to eat it like you would a watermelon. If a banana doesn't work for whatever reason, you can eat another food in an unusual manner.
The SECOND norm violation is to use the wrong nicety for the situation. For instance, answer the phone by saying "goodbye" instead of "hello" or say "please" when a stranger opens a door and you would normally say "thank you." Do it consistently over one conversation for the best effect.

The THIRD violation is to call your mother or father by their first name. Be sure to explain afterward why you did this so you don't get in trouble!

The FOURTH violation is to dress in a fashion that is atypical for you (such as wearing a dress or suit if you usually wear jeans, or in a T-shirt and jeans if you usually are more dressed up). As a general rule, it's best to dress "up" and not "down" if you are in a setting where it matters (like work or school). Note the reactions of your co-workers, friends or family.

Once you have done these, tell about your experience and submit it to the Just Do It! You will also post about this in the Discussion under Social Norm Violations. How did you feel violating these norms? Why do you think we have social norms?

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Reference No:- TGS03233732

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