
How did you feel before you started exercising

Problem: The Power of Exercise to Reduce Stress


The purpose of this activity is to help you see the benefits of including exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle to help you reduce stress. Exercise, especially slightly higher inten- sity exercise like jogging or playing racquetball, follows through on the message to move that is inherent in the fight-or-flight response.


Exercise using any activity that will keep your heart rate elevated for 30 to 60 minutes. this activity at a time when you are feeling very high levels of stress such as just before or after an important test or after you've been in a heated argument with someone. During this time of extreme stress, instead of watching tV, sitting and dwelling on the event, or grabbing a beer, move. Do something with enough intensity that you get out of breath and find yourself sweating.

After you are finished, notice the change in how you feel. Certainly the stressor hasn't changed, but you have followed through on the message you have been giving yourself to fight or run (fight- or-flight response), and you can now approach the situation in a more calm and level-headed way. Respond to these statements:

1) Describe the cause of your stress.

2) How did you feel before you started exercising?

3) What exercise or activity did you select?

4) Describe how you felt physically, emotionally, and mentally at the conclusion of your exercise session.

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Reference No:- TGS03268736

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