How did you enter into the other persons joy

Paper Problem

Consider how important attachment theory has been to understand human relationships. According to Marcus Warner and Chris Coursey, (2019) a joy bond may look like positive feelings from being together, lots of laughter, security to be yourself around the other person, an ability to connect safely on an emotional level, and a sense you are with "your kind of person" . In contrast a fear bond may feel like you are hiding emotions, wearing a "mask" (not COVID) for fear you cannot be yourself around that person, isolating possibly, shutting down when problems arise, losing desire to relate or feeling like we are never quite sure where we stand with this person. For clarification, this is NOT a question of who you felt fear with.

Take time to compare and contrast one person you have experienced each type of bond with. You can have both bonds with the same person over the course of a relationship. How did you enter into the other person's joy? How did you build this joy as a team? It does NOT have to be a significant other for this topic. How do you want to build YOUR OWN joy experiences going forward across relationships?

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: How did you enter into the other persons joy
Reference No:- TGS03203425

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