
How did you do what score did you get why is this test

Take the Civic Literacy Test (2008 version) by going to (https://www.isi.org/quiz.aspx?q=FE5C3B47-9675-41E0-9CF3-072BB31E2692

How did you do? What score did you get?

Why is this test important?

What did you learn about civic literacy from Van Belle, from the test and from the class?

What are other ways to improve civic literacy?

Having taken this course this summer, how might you use it to better understand the 2016 elections?

If you could continue to study political science, which subfield would you study? (American Government, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Theory, etc) Why?

Which subfield are you the least interested in? Why?

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Business Management: How did you do what score did you get why is this test
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