Digital Literacy Narrative Reflective Cover Letter
Task: Now that you have finished your Digital Literacy Narrative, reflect on the process you went through to produce it. You will want to consider the following:
? How did you decide how to respond to the assignment prompt?
? What steps did you take in approaching your response to the prompt?
? Why did you decide to take these particular steps?
? How did you organize your essay and why did you decide to organize it in that way?
? What do you want your reader to learn from reading your essay?
? As you look at your paper, what do you think are the best parts of it? Why do you like these parts?
? Which parts are you unsure or less happy about? Why are you less happy with these parts?
? What did you learn from the process that you could transfer to future assignments in this class or other classes?
You do not need to answer all of the questions-just the ones that are most interesting and relevant to you.
Write this as a cover letter with several well developed paragraphs. I will read your cover letter before I read your essay, so consider what you think I should know about your essay before I read it.
The cover letter should be 400-500 words (longer is OK), double-spaced. It should also be spell-checked, proofread, and edited.
Attachment:- Assignment.rar