
How did you choose the college you are currently attending


Read the Article "Don't Send Your Kids to the Ivy Leagues," by William deresiewicz

Essay Directions:

Using William Deresiewicz's essay "Don't Send Your Kids to the Ivy Leagues," write the following answers to the below questions, using quotes and examples from the reading: Questions (answer ALL questions thoroughly with lots of detail and examples from the text).

Answer the questions one at a time:

A. Do you gree with Deresiewicz that today's college students are prone to "toxic levels of fear, anxiety,and depression, of emptiness and aimlessness and isolation" (203)? To what extent have you experienced similar feelings as a college student?

B. How did you choose the college you're currently attending (ELAC)? What kind of research did you do, what were your reasons for selecting it? If you did not do any type of research, what made youchoose ELAC? Are you planning to transfer? If so, how did you (or will you) choose your transfer college?

C. How, according to Deresiewicz, do most students today view the purpose of higher education? Do you think he's right when he says that the purpose of college is to "teach you to think" and to "build a self?" How much of the time you spend in college should focus on preparation for a career?

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English: How did you choose the college you are currently attending
Reference No:- TGS03335238

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