
How did this interview contribute towards the assessment of

Questions: Develop a 20- to 30-item questionnaire for a sexual history interview by choosing questions from the University of Phoenix Material: Sexual History Interview, or by creating your own questions.

Obtain a volunteer to interview.

Conduct a sexual history interview with the volunteer, making sure to have the volunteer complete the University of Phoenix Material: Authorization for Interview and Release prior to the interview.

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis on how this interview contributes to assessing factors related to human sexuality. Include the following:

• How did this interview contribute towards the assessment of this client?

• What types of sociocultural influences played a role in the client's sexuality?

• What challenges did you discover as you were interviewing this client?

• What was your comfort level with the questions?

• What will you take away from this experience?

Note: This assignment is not a summary of your interviewee's responses. Please do not include their direct responses unless necessary.

Include a blank copy of the questionnaire used at the end of the paper.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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Attachment:- SexualHistoryInterviewquestions.rar

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Dissertation: How did this interview contribute towards the assessment of
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