
How did the tragedy of the triangle fire ironically advance

Triangle Fire: Paper

From the prompts listed below select one topic around which you will construct a 4-5 page paper.

In class we will discuss and work on major parts of the paper.

1. The paper must include at least two primary sources, two articles, and two monograms for a minimum of six sources.

2. The paper must include either footnotes or endnotes.

3. There is to be a title page with the title of your paper, your name, date and my name.

4. If you choose to use endnotes there needs to be an endnote page.

5. There is to be a bibliography page that lists in alphabetical order the sources footnoted or listed on your endnote page.

6. The style to be used is: Times New Roman size 12 print

7. There is to be 1 inch margins on the top, bottom and sides of the paper.

8. The first page should start at the top of the page.

9. Number the pages starting with the first page of your paper (not the title page).

10 The paper is to be submitted by or on the due to Drop Box on BeachBoard and a hard copy is to be given to me.Due Date: Wed. April 19

You must attend at least one session with the Graduate Student Tutors. I suggest doing this in the beginning to construct a strong thesis.

The tutors are NOT there to proof read your papers. Do not go to them empty-handed. Do not go to them the day before the paper is due.

Times and location with be posted.


A. How did the tragedy of the Triangle fire ironically advance the role of women in American society?

B. The danger of fire in factories like the Triangle Shirtwaist was well-known, but high levels of corruption in both the garment industry and city government generally ensured that no useful precautions were taken to prevent fires.

C. One of the landmark disasters in American history, the Triangle Fireeventually inspired important shifts in the nation's laws, particularly those protecting the rights of workers and the safety of buildings.

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History: How did the tragedy of the triangle fire ironically advance
Reference No:- TGS02279065

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