Discuss the below in detail:
You will play a digital game or go on a virtual field trip. One online resource that you can access for digital gaming and virtual field trips is Maryland Public Television's Thinkport site [WEBSITE]. Feel free to use other online resources, but remember to follow the recommendations from our Van de Walle et. al. (2013) text when selecting Internet resource. After you have played the digital game or you have participated in a virtual field trip, think about how you can use these technologies and other technology applications in your own classroom. Respond to the following in four to five explanatory paragraphs: Post a URL link to your chosen digital game or virtual field trip (an example of a url is - https://www.cu-portland.edu/,it is the web address that you share to allow people to visit a webpage). Give a short explanation of the technology site or application. What mathematical concepts did it teach? How did the technology present the mathematical concepts? Who is the audience (i.e. which grade level)? Would you recommend this specific digital game or virtual field trip to others? Why or why not? How would you incorporate this technology into your instruction? Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research.