
How did the speaker motivate the audience to listen


Choose one of the famous speeches in history and complete a Rhetorical Analysis of the speech. OR Choose a movie and complete a Rhetorical Analysis of the movie.

Each question, listed below, should be answered. Some questions are concise, other questions will require you to cite examples and provide a more detailed explanation for your analysis.

A. Name the speaker and the occasion. What was the topic?

B. What was the general purpose of the speech? To inform, To Persuade, To Entertain

C. How specifically did the speaker establish rapport with the audience? Give examples

D. How did the speaker establish credibility? Give specific examples

E. How did the speaker get your attention in the introduction? Give specific examples.

F. How did the speaker motivate the audience to listen? Give examples from the speech

G. How did the speaker establish the topic in the introduction?

H. What type of organizational pattern did the speaker use? (For example did the speaker use topical, problem- solution, problem- cause -solution , Motivated Sequence )

I. Give three examples of supporting material used in the speech.

J. Give three examples of connectives or transitions used in the speech.

K. How did the speaker show passion in the speech? Give two examples, how did the speaker use ethos. Logos and pathos? Did you feel a sense of identification with the speaker?

L. How did the speaker reinforce commitment to the central idea in the conclusion?

M. Explain the speaker's eye contact. How did the speaker use eye contact? Give examples to support your answer.

N. Did the speaker use gestures? If so, describe the effectiveness of the gestures.

O. Discuss the speaker's paralanguage,( Ex, tone, pitch, volume, rate, etc.)

P. What was the central idea of the speech? Please state in one declarative sentence.

Q. How do you rate the speaker's skills? Be specific.

R. If you were to have delivered this same speech, how would you design/deliver it?

S. What is your overall evaluation? Support your statements with examples.

T. Were you moved to take action?


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Reference No:- TGS03255510

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