
How did the processes of the new orleans court system

Assignment: "Misdeeds" Worksheet, This American Life Podcast

Instructions: Listen to the "Misdeeds" episode of the This American Life podcast at the link posted on Blackboard

(https://www.thisamericanlife.org/409/held-hostage/act-two-3). Then, in a document prepared using Microsoft Word, answer the prompts below in a single-page response consisting of approximately four complete, proofread paragraphs. Your document should be formatted in 12 point, Times

New Roman font, single-spaced, with 1-inch margins on all sides. DO NOT place your name on the first page of your document: I like to grade "blind" to ensure fairness, so write or type your name on the back of your document so that it is not visible to me while grading. Your document should be submitted through the SafeAssign (plagiarism software) submission link on the class Blackboard site by 12:00 (noon) on Wednesday, September 18, AND you should bring a printed copy to class that day as well.

Learning Objectives: After listening to the podcast and responding to the following prompts, you will have gained familiarity with how the organization and administration of courts within the U.S. affects the economic and day-to-day lives of ordinary people. You will also have gained experience in summarizing material and relating textbook themes to broader considerations of justice in the U.S. legal system through written work.

1) Describe what Tracy & Roger and Michelle & Brad do for a living. How did these couples come into conflict with Nathaniel Dowell?

2) How did the organization and processes of the New Orleans court system create "injustices" for Tracy & Roger and Michelle & Brad?

3) Describe how the "federal structure" of U.S. courts led to charges eventually being brought against Nathaniel Dowell.

4) In your own words, describe what a "just" outcome in this story would look like. Is there a way to improve the organization and structure of the court system to prevent what occurred to Tracy & Roger and Michelle & Brad?

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Business Law and Ethics: How did the processes of the new orleans court system
Reference No:- TGS03011636

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