
How did the people and government of the united states


After watching the documentary, answer the following:

1.) What events in Europe and Asia indicated that the peace that followed the First World War was fragile and would not hold?

2.) How did the people and government of the United States respond to this deterioration prior to 1941? Why was the US so slow to get involved?

3.) Use research in newspapers from the 1928-1940 period to answer the following: What is "fascism" and "nationalism" and what roles did these play in the violence and militarism that marked the beginning of WWII.

Your responses (in the Discussion Board) also should reflect something of what you have learned from your textbook about the nation and world in this period (including last week's documentary).

World War II, in America in the 20th Century 78 (Media Rich Learning, 2004), 66:43 mins

Located at Ellis Library web site, Research Databases, "Alexander Street" database.

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History: How did the people and government of the united states
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