
How did the mystery disease get to the motaba valley

Discuss the below:

Q1. Why was the mercenary camp in the Motaba River Valley of Zaire bombed in 1967? Was this ethical? Explain.

Q2. In the film, we see a progression of laboratory safety levels at the U.S. Army Medical research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Below is a description of each level. As one progresses from level to level, describe the differences shown and the procedures and safety methods observed.

Q3. Describe how the virologists determined the identity of the virus causing the disease, how they tracked the epidemic and how they eventually conquered the virus.

Q4. How did the mystery disease get to the Motaba Valley?

Q5. Do you think it is okay to sacrifice human life for the benefit of other humans? Explain-

Q6. How does the movie relate to your everyday life? What things can you do to prevent or unlit contamination from any virus?

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Other Subject: How did the mystery disease get to the motaba valley
Reference No:- TGS02037512

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