1. Making use of the theorists Watson cites in Ideas (e.g.Schaller,Pederson, Alexander, Donald, etc.), how did the emergence of language help the species? In a way, it is impossible to really answer this, since language helps with so much. Still, what were the main benefits? Remember, in these posts, do not just copy what other people say. I can see this a mile away, and mark it down. Always read slowly and think about the question. 200 words minimum.
2. reply this student post. with minimum 50 words. "According to George Schaller on page 45, that even lions can hunt games in groups for better success, and so could we. What I believe is at foot here is realizing an effective pattern and using it to your advantage. As obvious as that is, I believe language has the ability to communicate useful ideas to others and doing so without them having to go through their own "eureka" moment. If trough others we can quickly pick up and master strategies that otherwise would have taken much longer we are given the possibility to expand on that technique, or using an already semi-complex skill or talent that was learned thanks to language, then experiencing your very own eureka moment and further developing the skill or talent. By having this, knowledge can develop and form and no longer decays and resets with each generation. This means we no longer have to re-invent the wheel, but rather all experience and perhaps improve upon it instead. As knowledge floats within a society, even if it is is only verbally it will have a huge impact on how the individuals within that society lives. But talking about language benefiting society, I believe written language is the ultimate benefactor. If lets say some technology exists like mentioned only verbally, details may drop off and ideas that are not practiced often may start to decay. As for written information, not only is it easily accessible, it remains with 100% original content."