How did the educator engage the children in exploration

Assignment task: The educator planned 4 experiences for children to explore different arts and cultures. The experience was delivered over two days and was part of the program.

The first experience included Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art and culture.

The second experience included a visual artist from a country other than Australia.

The third experience included dance/ music from a country other than Australia.

The fourth experience included an element of dramatic play.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art and culture - children made nature bracelets and drew what spirit meant to them. The first experience- nature bracelets, the children were provided with natural materials from the environment such as a mix of leaves that were different in shape, size and colour. The children talked about the different textures and patterns in the leaves. The children made comments such as "this leaf is big", "this side of the leaf is rough and the other side is smooth", "this leaf smells like the garden" and "this leaf is two colours". The educator discussed the traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the children eagerly listened as they discovered the meaning behind the task and how Aboriginal women gathered materials for clothing and jewellery that was often worn during traditional ceremonies. The children's understanding was further deepened as they viewed pictures to inspire their creativity as they created their own. The second experience- drawing what spirit meant to them, the children were provided with the resources to participate in a drawing exercise, the theme was dreaming and its spiritual connection. The educator talked about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art and culture and their beliefs- "stories connected to spirit through dreaming". The children took this information and drew what spirit meant to them. The children drew pictures of their families and pictures of their pets.

Visual artist from another country- the children explored the work of the Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, specifically his work in cubism. The educator talked about who is Picasso and what he is known for as this was the first time the children were introduced. The educator showed different styles of his artwork, the children chose the activity based on this information shown. The children took interest in his work in cubism so the educator provided images of animals for them to colour in cubist style. The educator provided pictures to inspire their own artwork. The children chose to use oil pastels to colour, there was a range of animal pictures to choose from in cubist style, the children identified the animals. (Giraffe, snail, fish, butterfly, squid, lion, elephant). The children were introduced to geometric shapes and created their own art inspired by the work of Pablo Picasso.

Dance/ music from another country- the children were introduced to the Tango. Educator provided the children with a music video "I can tango" that guided them through each step by singing, sparking the children's interest and curiosity. The children partnered up as they attempted to do the dance. The children shared laughs and smiles, they equally focused on the sounds and beat of the music which inspired a guessing game as they attempted to identify the instruments.

Element of dramatic play- the children created their own storytelling theatre. The children were provided with resources to guide their imagination and creativity. Props included puppets, books, stuffed animals. The children explored the props and picked one to use on their turn, they had total creative freedom. Children read the books to their peers, creating their own story based on the pictures. They used the puppets to sing their favourite nursery rhymes and did show and tell, describing an object of their choice. The children created their own ideas and were patient while waiting for their turn. They cheered each other on by clapping. The children listened really well to each other as each child preformed.


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art and culture, learning experience brief outline?

2. A visual art forms from a country other than Australia, learning experience brief outline?

3. Dance/music from a country other than Australia, learning experience brief outline?

4. Element of dramatic play , learning experience brief outline?

5. How the experiences encourage appreciation and applying of aesthetic values, foster curiosity and cultural awareness and sensitivity. (e.g. talk about what children can see - shape, colour, form, patterns, different types of dress etc.; what children can hear - drums, singing in different language; what children can do - recreate art form/patterns etc., dance, make own music, respecting and acknowledging other cultures and their traditions).

6. Intentional teaching strategies and how they were used? (questioning, modelling, prompting, demonstrating, encouraging, directing).

7. How did the educator engage the children in exploration?

8. Preparation notes? (When, where, equipment, transitions)

9. What did the children do and say during experience 1 that demonstrated interest, aesthetic appreciation (using senses to explore, wonder and value) and curiosity?

10. What did the children do and say during experience 2 that demonstrated interest, aesthetic appreciation (using senses to explore, wonder and value) and curiosity?

11. What did the children do and say during experience 3 that demonstrated interest, aesthetic appreciation (using senses to explore, wonder and value) and curiosity?

12. What processes did you use to evaluate this experience? (e.g. observation, discussion and feedback from child, assessment of the skills used by the child, analysis of how the child approached the experiences; what the child did (ask questions, make comments); what did the children notice; what did they like/dislike?

13. Critical reflection: How has this experience supported your understanding of visuals arts in diverse cultures to support children's learning?

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