
How did the culture of the plains indians specifically the

Choose one question pertaining to developments in The West.

How did western settlement, particularly in terms of railroad expansion and farming, lead to inevitable conflicts with the Native Americans?

Highlight at least one engagement in your answer.

How did the culture of the Plains Indians, specifically the Lakota Sioux, change in the late 19th century?

Describe President Grant's Peace Policy and the subsequent widespread adaptation of the reservation as a solution to the "Indian problem."

What was life like on a reservation in, say, 1890?

Write a 400-500 word response to your chosen question using historical evidence from the reading materials for week one.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course level APA guidelines. Remember to include a title page, proper formatting, in text citations and references for all sources including the textbook.

Include a primary source image related to your chosen topic. Review the reading on Historical and Scholarly Sources for an explanation on a primary source.

Submit your assignment according to proper APA guidelines with a title page, in text citations and reference of your sources.

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History: How did the culture of the plains indians specifically the
Reference No:- TGS01660690

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