
How did the cold war shape american society culture and

History Assignment

Section I: Choose one of the following two questions for your first essay.

1. How have the New Deal, the Great Society, and the Reagan Revolution fundamentally transformed the role of the federal government? How and why have Americans' expectations of and relationship to the federal government (be specific in terms of persons and groups) evolved between Hoover's and Reagan's presidencies? How has this process effected the formation and fracturing of political coalitions (such as the New Deal Coalition)? Be specific in your responses and back them with concrete historical examples.

2. The post-Civil War period saw the rise of a large number of social movements that posed important challenges to American culture, society, institutions, and government. Write an essay that describes and compares the major objectives, strategies, and challenges of FOUR of the following movements (two pre-World War Two) and assess the extent to which these movements built on each other, challenged each other, and transformed American society. List of possible movements: Reconstruction, the Populists, the Progressive Movement, Labor Movements, Civil Rights Movements, Black Power Movement, Anti-War Movement, Women's Movements, or New Right.

Section II: Choose one of the following two questions to answer in your second essay.

1. How did the Cold War shape American society, culture, and politics, from the late 1940s to the beginning of the twenty-first century? Discuss the domestic ramifications of this global struggle for the ways that different Americans thought about their nation, how they pursued their political and economic agendas, the level of success they achieved in pursuing those agendas. Consider political movements of the left and right, debate over war, over labor, the rights of different groups within society, over culture and society broadly, and over America and what it means. Be sure to use specific historical examples that reflect both foreign and domestic consequences.

2. Compare and contrast how the United States' experience in the three following wars shaped American life at home, the domestic politics and foreign policy of the US, and conceptions of America's ideological role in the world: World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War. You must address both foreign and domestic consequences when you discuss these three conflicts.


Format-For your Final, you will choose two questions (one from each set) and respond to them in two separate extended essays. These are to be written up in either Word or a similar word processing program. In terms of setup, they are to be double-spaced, with 12 point font, and standard 1.25 inch margins. While I cannot tell you exactly how long the essays need to be, most essays of this sort run in the 3-4 page range each, for a total of 6-8 pages on both essays.

While I don't take off for minor errors, I expect you to proofread your work. Something that is so poorly written I cannot easily understand it will likely see a lower grade. I suggest reading it out loud to yourself (I do this sometimes) to catch any errors.

Sources and Citation-To respond to these essays, you are not required to use -any sources beyond your textbook, your class notes, and the short written assignment primary sources. If you take a direct quote from any of these, you are required to cite it in MLA form, meaning parenthetical citation. An example would be as follows; when you cite your text, cite it (Foner, 645). Lectures can be sited by the topic or date. A bibliography is only needed if you use outside sources. Wikipedia and other junk sites on the internet are not legitimate sources.

One major note here; I will not tolerate plagiarism (i.e. cheating) in any form. I have several programs that I run your papers through to spot it, and I will go full-on Professor Snape on anyone who cheats; meaning I will fail you on the Final which means you will fail the course.DON'T CHEAT! If you're not sure, ask me.

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History: How did the cold war shape american society culture and
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