
How did the belief affect your attitude about babies what


While you must submit the responses into the system, please also bring a copy with you to the final class and be prepared to present your reflection in class. This reflection is worth 150 points of your final grade and must be a detailed reflection of your growth over the semester.

1) What is one belief you had about babies?

2) How did the belief affect your attitude about babies?

3) What is now the most important belief you have about babies?

4) What influenced the change in your belief about babies?

5) Give an example of how you recently showed respect while caring for a baby?

6) Describe your initial feelings when you hear a baby cry?

7) In observing babies, what one thing surprised you?

8) How do you show you value babies as individuals?

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Dissertation: How did the belief affect your attitude about babies what
Reference No:- TGS02545694

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