How did the actions of napoleon shape the course of history

How is History Made? Individual vs. Circumstance


Some historians argue that individuals - such as Napoleon or Hitler - are the driving motors of history. Others disagree and posit that instead these famous individuals emerge into the spotlight and create unprecedented change because of historical circumstances. In this assignment you will decide if it was the individual who made history or whether historical events, including prevailing ideas at the time and personal circumstances, shaped the individual.

Write a coherent essay answering examining the issue of individual vs. circumstances. Some questions consider while writing your essay:

1. How did the actions of Napoleon shape the course of history?

2. How was Napoleon shaped by the historical times in which he lived or other circumstances in his life?

3. How did Napoleon played a greater role in determining the shape of history -- ideas or individuals?


Papers must be between 750 and 1000 words long.

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History: How did the actions of napoleon shape the course of history
Reference No:- TGS01516735

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