How did profit become the measure of progress

Discussion Post: Society

a) What is the "culture of capitalism," and what are its components? How is the culture of capitalism a "society of perpetual growth"?

b) What is a commodity? What is commodification, and, as discussed in the textbook's assigned chapter, why is commodification essential to the culture of capitalism (that is, to the "society of perpetual growth")? How is "debt money" represent a "magical principle" that is essential to the culture of capitalism and society of perpetual growth?

c) Describe water as an example of commodification and its environmental and social repercussions, as conceptualized in "The story of stuff" and discussed in this "water" assignments.

d) How did profit become the measure of progress? What is the critique of GDP, and how does it pertain to the idea of profit as the measure of progress? How do profit as a measure of progress and the critique of GDP pertain to "The story of stuff," "The litter myth," "The constant consumer," "Affluenza," and the assigned textbook chapter?

e) How is the "Genuine Progress Indicator" (GPI) arguably a better alternative to GDP and profit as the measure of progress? What are the component indicators of the GPI?

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: How did profit become the measure of progress
Reference No:- TGS03031907

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