
How did nubian women compare with the egyptian neighbors


Read the article "The Role of Women in Nubia [Kneller]" By Tara L. Kneller and write a discussion post that addresses the following questions.

1) Overall, how were women viewed in Nubia?

2) Describe some of the source material this author used in her research of Nubian women.

3) How did Nubian women compare (or contrast) with the Egyptian neighbors?

4) After completing the readings in the textbook, and thinking back to our previous discussion of Egypt-- how important do you think it is to view Africa as individual states and people groups, rather than as a whole?

5) What part of this article, or the textbook reading, did you find most interesting? Why?

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History: How did nubian women compare with the egyptian neighbors
Reference No:- TGS03230877

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