How did nats rebellion affect the relationship between the

Please answer the following problems. This needs to be done in two separate essays, EACH with an introduction, a one sentence THESIS with THREE points that you list in your thesis, three body paragraphs that correspond to the points you make in your thesis, and a conclusion. This needs to be typed, double-spaced, and stapled. It is due in class next week. Do not even THINK of using any Sparknotes, e-Notes, anything-notes, or anything outside of the book itself. I want to know what YOU think, not anyone else.

1). How did Nat's rebellion affect the relationship between the North and South? Think about what happened to the trust between them. Don't tell me what happened - tell me about the IMPACT that his rebellion had on the relationship between the N and S. Use examples from the chapter. You may use ONE quote per paragraph, but make sure that you cite it properly. (Fires, p. x) will do nicely.

2). Consider Governor Floyd's desire to basically emancipate and force all of the slaves out of Virginia. A lot of people supported him, but a small minority didn't. Who were they, and why did they get their way? (Remember some of the discussions we've had in class about the 1%...).

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History: How did nats rebellion affect the relationship between the
Reference No:- TGS01398422

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