How did microsoft fare with its appeal to court of appeals


1.) complete the Last Word Question. " Under what law and on what basis did the federal district court find Microsoft guilty of violating the antitrust laws? What was the initial district court's remedy ? How did Microsoft fare with its appeal to the court of appeals? Was the final rememdy in the case a structural remedy or a behavioral remedy?

2.) Please provide a two paragraph understanding of the different types of mergers in addition to your understanding of a natural monopoly.

3.) Provide a link to an article from within the last 3 years at the latest that identifies any current investigations by the FTC on matters of Antitrust. Once you have provided a one paragraph summary and one paragraph opinion, provide a third paragraph on your understanding of Sherman Antitrust and its significance as well as the Clayton Act.

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Microeconomics: How did microsoft fare with its appeal to court of appeals
Reference No:- TGS01877616

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