
How did implementing excellence framework benefit them how


Form your groups with 4 learners each.

1) Identify a company in Dubai who has implemented an Excellence Framework. Approach the company and ask whether you can

2) Interview someone about their experience in implementing an Excellence Framework.

3) Develop a list of questions to be asked and undertake the interview. Write this up in a report.

4) The report should cover at least the following:

· Information about the company:

o Company name and background of the company

o Type of industry

o Number of employees

o Geographical presence

o Products and/or services

o Public or private company

o Financial results (if available)

o Organizational structure, vision, mission, strategy if available etc.

· Person(s) interviewed

o date and time

o Contact details.

· Description of the Excellence Framework they implemented.

· Difficulties they experienced in implementing the Excellence Framework.

· What areas of the Excellence Framework they:

o They do well in.

o What areas did they not do well and why?

· What they have learnt through implementing the Excellence Framework?

· How did implementing excellence framework benefit them?

· How will they do it differently if they had to do it again?

· Any other question you may think is relevant?

· Any recommendations to the company for improvement from your group's perspective.

Length of report: 10 pages.

Do a group presentation on your project at the last Face-to-Face class we have (Week 14). All group members must participate in the

presentation. (15-20 min)

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Business Management: How did implementing excellence framework benefit them how
Reference No:- TGS01147373

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5/28/2016 8:46:05 AM

Respond to the following as per the requisite of the problem. 1) Recognize a company in Dubai who has implemented the Excellence Framework. Approach the organization and ask whether you can. 2) Interview somebody regarding their experience in applying an Excellence Framework. 3) Build up a list of questions to be asked and undertake the interview. Prepare write this up in a report. 4) The report must cover at a minimum of the given: Information regarding the company: a) Company name and background of company. b) Kind of industry. c) Number of employees. d) Geographical presence e) Products and/or services f) Private or public company g) Financial outcomes