
how did germany succeed in combating the

How did Germany succeed in combating the depression the Western countries encountered in the interwar years?

Within the integration Western Europe, an economic system emerged based on social solidarity and strong state interventionism. Discuss.

What are the consequences of the international conference at the New Hampshire resort of Breton Woods ? What did the conferees envisage for a new era of globalization ?

The postwar economic recovery of Western Europe has been described as a "miracle". What factors contributed to this recovery, and how did the Soviet Union approach recovery ?

What are the main channels of emergency relief and reconstruction for he European recovery in the wake of the Second World War ?

Stagflation in the early 70s triggered a new era for the world. What are the basic characteristics of this new era ? Which countries pioneered in this process ?

Compare and contrast 19th century liberalism and the late 20th century neo-liberalism.

What did the Allied Powers decide in the Potsdam Conference? Did they implement them in the following years ?

What were the main US concerns of for the implementation of the Marshall Plan ? How did it affect European economies ?

Compare and contrast the US economic and financial policies in relation to Europe in the wake of WWI and WWII.

What are the international financial and economic institutions established in the 40s, as the WWII ended ?

Compare and contrast the role of the government in the following periods: a) before WWI, b) in the interwar years, c) in the post WWII.

What role did the economic nationalisms in the 30s play in the minds of Western powers in the wake of WW II ?

What were the main pillars of the European process of unification? How did they evolve ? Which countries are involved in this process ?

How did WWI disrupt the world economy dominated by European powers ? How did the disruption and deglobalization affect non-European countries ?

What are the impacts of the European economic crisis on Britain in the wake of the First World War? Why did Britain lost the supremacy in the economic and financial world ?

What are the impacts of the Paris Peace Treaty on Germany in the wake of the First World War? What did the hyperinflation take place in Germany ? What is Dawes Loan ? What are the political outcome resulting from economic unrest ?

What are the impacts of post-war economic dislocation on the British economy in the middle of the 20s ? Why did Britain encounter difficulties of readjustment ? How did "golden fetters" affect British economy ? How did the new economic policies affect income distribution in Britain ? What does "the dole" mean ?

What caused the speculative boom and the 1929 depression ? Is there a general consensus on this question ? If not, what are the alternative and / or complementary explanations ?

Account for the monetary and financial chaos of the 1930s. How did the panic spread all over the world ? What were the attempts to return to "normality". What were the aims of World Monetary Conference in 1933 ? How did the chaotic atmosphere affect the world economy ?

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History: how did germany succeed in combating the
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