
How did fight back or find success or fulfillment in lives


Using four primary sources from one topic (such as New England or the Jacksonian era). These are only readings. They are not just slides in a powerpoint but an actual reading. This is also not about lecture. This is your original analysis of four primary sources from one topic. This means that if you repeat an open-note quiz essay, a midterm essay, or an assignment, you should not expect a high grade. Say something new and use at least two pieces of evidence (short quotes but not three word quotes) per primary source.

Additional structural suggestions are below but here are a few things to keep in mind. Keep quotations to one or two lines and analyze every quote used. See me if you need help coming up with a thesis but talk to me only after coming up with some of your own ideas. You can do this!

A. Choose four primary sources (the readings) from one week's worth of readings.

B. Create an argument of your own.

C. Use at least two pieces of evidence (short quotes but not three word quotes) per primary source.

D. No preaching please. Hard evidence from the sources is much preferred over passionate language which only weakens your argument.

E. Come up with a thesis more challenging than these people were treated badly. No one is just a victim nor would any of us want to be remember that way. How did they fight back or find success or fulfillment in their lives? Also, listing how people are treated badly is not analysis. It's description.

F. Don't argue that throughout all of mankind's history, this is the one moment that people began to fight back. That statement shows ignorance of world history and is ethnocentric (meaning we as Americans have the answers).

G. Do not try to end with some big comparison to today (I think that distracts from your main point and is very difficult to prove).

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