
How did eleanor widener memorialize her son and husband how

Assignment: TITANIC

Please complete this work for up to 5 academic points that can be added on to your academic average at the end of the semester.

(Complete Parts 1-3): Please read the following article that I wrote regarding two local families whose members perished on the Titanic. Access: SINKING OF TITANIC IMPACTS TWO LOCAL FAMILIES


After reading the above story (and associated endnotes) that I wrote regarding the family-history of the Widener and Elkins' families and their experiences on the ill-fated Titanic, please answer the following questions in AT LEAST 3 to 4 sentences each. Write each question first, then the answer.

1. What are several reasons for the writer being motivated to write the story? Read the first three paragraphs of the story.

2. What are important family-history highlights of George D. Widener's family?

3. What are important family-history highlights of Eleanor Elkins Widener's family, particularly her Elkins ancestors?

4. How would you describe the party that the Wideners gave not long before the ship struck an iceberg?

5. Who were several other prominent families on the Titanic and how do they figure into the story?

6. Why were the Wideners on the Titanic and who was Harry Widener?

7. What are some details concerning the sinking of the ship and the Wideners' experiences during the event?

8. How did the family members back home (on shore) react to the ship's sinking?

9. What were the fates of George Widener, Harry Widener, the male and female servants accompanying them, as well as Eleanor Widener?

10. How did Eleanor Widener memorialize her son and husband?

11. What does this story have to do with the Philadelphia 76ers?


A. Please read the following story that the instructor wrote for Montgomerynews and Digital Media First concerning black culture and the Titanic. Please summarize the article in a paragraph of about 15 sentences. YOU MUST SUMMARIZE IT IN YOUR OWN WORDS, EXCEPT FOR AN OCCASIONAL QUOTE THAT MUST APPEAR IN QUOTATION MARKS. Please access: THE TITANIC AND BLACK CULTURE


Next, please utilize google to find more information about the following three people. Summarize the articles you find in a paragraph of about 12 to 15 sentences. YOU MUST SUMMARIZE IT IN YOUR OWN WORDS, EXCEPT FOR AN OCCASIONAL QUOTE THAT MUST APPEAR IN QUOTATION MARKS. Please do not use Wikipedia. Be sure to place the title of the story and writer's name, if available, above each of your three entries.

-- Jack Johnson (the boxer)
-- Joseph Laroche (the black Haitian on the Titanic)
-- Peter A.B. Widener (rich business tycoon with a mansion in Cheltenham Township).

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