
How did current global pattern of coffee production develop

Assignment Portfolio: Book review

You are asked to write a review of: Luttinger, N. & Dicurn, G. (2006) The Coffee Book New Press (2nd ed.)

This book is available as an e-book in the library and there are also many paperback copies available for you to borrow. You should start reading it now

In the course of the review you should make sure you answer the following questions:

a) How did the current global pattern of coffee production develop? (Rough guide - 300 words)

b) What different kinds of market structure do we see as coffee makes it way from crop to the last drop? (Rough guide 500 words)

c) Who do you think your coffee dollars' should go to? State why and then, using what you know about different market structures, suggest how that could be achieved.

The following additional readings are also useful and you should look at them as well - extra marks are awarded for the extent of reading displayed.

  • Dicken, P. (2007) Global Sri.* chapter 12 on the agro-food industries.
  • Talbot. J. (2004) Grounds for Agreement Oxford: Roman and Littlefield di 7 Where does your coffee dollar go?'. Or
  • Talbot, J. (1997) -Where does your coffee dollar go? The division of income arid surplus along the coffee commodity chain' Studies in Comparative international Development, Vol.32, No.1. pp. 56-91.
  • Oxfam (2002), Mugged' Poverty in Your Coffee Cup, Oxford: Oxfam

Portfolio: Individual presentation

a) Individual presentation. Brief Presentation based on an article from the Financial Times or the business and economics pages of the 'broadsheet' newspapers - The Guardian, The Observer, The Times, and The Telegraph. It must be on an economics topic and have been in the newspapers in the week

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Marketing Management: How did current global pattern of coffee production develop
Reference No:- TGS03037635

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